Time changes everything, even you and I have changed

BABES(s) Online

15 this year, 1001.
aka prettysong, fabsong, gorgeoussong etc.
aka that girl with a striking lime green bag and hot pink shoes.
Don't ever step on them I'm telling you.
a City Harvester and a St Nicks student.
I sprint and dance! (ain't I cool)
I have a really sweet tooth!
I can't bake.

BFFLs with Greyson Chance and marrying Alfie Deyes!♥


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The rain, the winter spring has made us fade away

I really wonder how you feel on these nights so alone


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Run around the grasslands and be free



Singapore, Singapore

speak words of faith.
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It's always like this, I'm always like this.
Monday, April 23, 2012 || 7:59 PM

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I'm feeling very vexed now, thought I'll blog about it since I've got nothing to do.
I'm really tired of all these. Every year, it happens a few times. I feel so lousy. It's like I've let everyone down. I'm the kind of person who will try to smile everyday and not let my problems bother me but this time, it's different. Everyday in class, I'll feel very tired, physically and mentally. Sorry LiYing for not talking to you as often as before! ):
As a paranoid girl, wild thoughts will just run in my mind every second. I'll be thinking if you're okay, if you're still angry, if I ever stand a chance again. Sometimes, I think too much. It's just too easy to let a person down. Whatever I do, there must be someone who's against it. I really don't know what's wrong with me. I'm always the one at fault. I'm always a disappointment.
Every year, due to my blunder, I lose a few friends. I've experienced a major lost last year, my friends of 6/7 years. Honestly, if I ever stand a chance again, I wouldn't mind being close to them again. And I never thought I'd have to experience this again. It's so tiring. I wake up with a fear in my heart. I really dread school, a lot.
Friendship problems never leave me. This time, it's clearly my fault. You think I don't care but actually, I really care. It's just that I don't know how to face you now. Sorry for being so annoying, sorry for being such a disappointment.

But if I do, would you too?

A big thank you to Benecia for today, I really appreciate it.

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