Time changes everything, even you and I have changed

BABES(s) Online

15 this year, 1001.
aka prettysong, fabsong, gorgeoussong etc.
aka that girl with a striking lime green bag and hot pink shoes.
Don't ever step on them I'm telling you.
a City Harvester and a St Nicks student.
I sprint and dance! (ain't I cool)
I have a really sweet tooth!
I can't bake.

BFFLs with Greyson Chance and marrying Alfie Deyes!♥


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The rain, the winter spring has made us fade away

I really wonder how you feel on these nights so alone


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- Audrey - JiaMei - Jocelyn -

x. o. x. o. x.

Run around the grasslands and be free



Singapore, Singapore

speak words of faith.
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Romeo and Juliet; 200412
Sunday, April 22, 2012 || 4:20 PM

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those pretty girls in dresses and cool girls in jeans!

Romeo and Juliet - AWESOME PLAY!
We were at the first floor! It was quite a good view; the stage was slanted. All of you have probably heard of the story, so I shan't explain. (: Though the actors speak in the old language and the 'thous', 'thees' and 'thy' made me a bit confused, I still enjoyed it. Clare said that Romeo is hot, and he has abs! woohoo!(: hahaha. Juliet was pretty and Paris looked cute. :3
It was kinda awkward when Romeo and Juliet played the scene on bed. They didn't do anything 'wrong' but they stripped a little. >.< Overall, it was funny and touching! Surprisingly, I didn't tear. Instead, I was questioning Romeo for his stupidity. When Romeo and Juliet kissed, Juliet woke up when Romeo was poisoning himself to death! D:< Then Juliet poisoned herself too, and they both died beside each other. Clare teared and Audrey was sniffing her nose so loudly, we all thought she cried! She just had a bad flu. :B What a tragedy, 6 people died in total. Overall, it was funny and touching! :')
The theater was filled with pretty girls that night. We should have more of these formal events!(:

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