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EMERGE Day 3; 290712
Tuesday, July 31, 2012 || 10:53 PM

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Time passes really fast when you're having fun. It's the last and final day of Emerge! Though it's kinda sad that Emerge 2012 had ended, but it definitely ended with an awesome finale! Like the previous services, the dancers came on stage before service started to teach us the dance for Today Is The Day. I can totally memorise the dances moves by heart already! 

Similar to Saturday's service, the cheerleaders and dancers put up a really cool performance and wowed us with their enthusiasm and the youth spirit! This time, I get to sit in front with all the bloggers so I enjoyed the performance more. hahaha(: They made me miss dancing so much! One of the dancers are also one of the official bloggers for Emerge. 

"We're giving it all away, away. We're giving it all to go, your way!" I feel in love with that praise song, it's so catchy and loud! The youth singers really did an excellent job yeah! (:


Here's presenting to you the last 2 finalists for Your Best Shot! First up is Rainie and Eugene, who performed latin dance. Their dance moves were so precise and they were smiling throughout the performance. They can really groove! Great confidence too! (:

And finally, the last finalist for Your Best Shot - Barely Acoustic! The band sang Payphone and Pumped Up Kicks wonderfully, and also engaged us by getting the audience to sing with them. As they were the last finalists, they were welcomed with a roaring applause and screams. Right behind us were their supporters who made pretty banners for them. How sweet of them! (:

Towards the end of the performance, one of their supporters came on stage to give her a bouquet of flowers. awwwwwww! :D

Catherine Koh also shared her testimony! She used to serve in Children's Church and soon, started Shineon, an organisation to help children with special needs. For her love for children, she hosts fashion shows and even went overseas to educate the children. I couldn't agree more when she said about being willing and teachable when you train. (: What a pretty lady in action!

Once again, the 4 singers sang Hope Of One Voice passionately. 

Yup, this song was written by Elim Chew, a social entrepreneur and a long-time member of CHC. (: If you haven't listen to it yet, watch the video below! 

Pastor Kong also preached about Building Your Own Altar today, but with different points to share. All of us need an altar for our own devotion.

1. At the beginning, Jesus built His own altar.
2. Before making major decisions, Jesus built His own altar.
3. When He was emotionally broken, Jesus built His own altar.
4. To cope with daily demands, Jesus built His own altar.
5. Under severe pressure, Jesus built His own altar.

By building our own altar, our visions and dreams will launch, we would have the ability to make major decisions and to deal with emotional brokenness.

For the finale, a video was shown in appreciation for Pastor Kong and Sun for their leadership and unfailing love for the church. 23 youths came together to record the song, The Greatest Place, which was written by Amos Ang. The lyrics of the song truly speaks of us all about how grateful we feel about being in City Harvest Church.

This is Amos Ang. (:

It was so unexpected and touching, I almost teared. :') The youths are so sweet to come up with that video! Pastor Kong and Sun were utterly speechless for a moment! Then, the youths began to share their testimonies and how City Harvest has changed their lives completely. Too touched by the video, Pastor Kong and Sun started hugging every youth standing on stage. I want a hug too! :B

After the service, there was still Games Fiesta happening at Hall 603, right up to 2.30pm! My cell group and I stayed throughout to play the games. My goal was to collect 16 stamps! (:

All the pretty models in the house! 

For that afternoon, there was also Socialympic Relay/Telematch going on at the multi-purpose hall. Together with the members from JAMs Church, each team were given a few tasks to complete. Of course, the fastest team wins! Form the picture shown above and below, they were trying to move the chairs forward without them falling down and touching the floor. 

This was also another Mobile Booth. With the person blindfolded and holding the maze, the others were to give him/her instructions to move the marble from the starting point to the ending point! 

With the help of my cell group, I'VE ACHIEVED 16 STAMPS! :D 

This cute little set of badges ARE MINE! 

My EMERGE collection. Pretty cool, huh? ;)

To round this up, I'm really glad to be a part of EMERGE 2012. (: Be it one of the congregation, a performer, a designer, a balloon sculptor, I'm sure all of you have been tremendously blessed by the youths of CHC! Despite the challenges faced, we were still able to let this event be a success. Thank you Pastor Kong and Sun for making this happen! This is a step forward for the youths to display their God-given talents, to shine for God. It always goes down to faith. With faith for God, anything is possible. By God's grace, I'm really proud to be one of the official bloggers for EMERGE 2012, serving you all! Let's all be excited for EMERGE 2013. (:

Dear all the youths out there, let's not waste our youthful days. Let's EVOLVE, as we are the future generation of City Harvest! :D 

rachel song ♥  

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