Time changes everything, even you and I have changed

BABES(s) Online

15 this year, 1001.
aka prettysong, fabsong, gorgeoussong etc.
aka that girl with a striking lime green bag and hot pink shoes.
Don't ever step on them I'm telling you.
a City Harvester and a St Nicks student.
I sprint and dance! (ain't I cool)
I have a really sweet tooth!
I can't bake.

BFFLs with Greyson Chance and marrying Alfie Deyes!♥


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The rain, the winter spring has made us fade away

I really wonder how you feel on these nights so alone


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- Audrey - JiaMei - Jocelyn -

x. o. x. o. x.

Run around the grasslands and be free



Singapore, Singapore

speak words of faith.
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Ice-skating; 181212
Thursday, December 20, 2012 || 8:20 PM

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Hello, I'm back again! Nope, I'm not gonna blog about my shopping experience again. Somehow, I got tired of it, and obviously I'm kinda broke right now. But I rather spend my money on other stuff than clothes again! So, Audrey and I decided to go for ice-skating! It's my first time doing that, I don't know what to expect. When we reached Kallang at noon, I almost backed out 'cause my fear kinda overtook me but Audrey insisted to go in. (: Thank God she insisted, or else it would be a boring day out! I thought it would be more difficult than rollerblading but it turns out fine! We were obviously the slow ones there and not moving as much as those professionals, but we had real fun! It was a different experience. Some guys were being so violent and pushing each other down. eventually one got cut and left blood on the ice rink. ewwwwwwwww. We never dared to go close to that part hahaha. I fell 2 times and it was bloody cold. We had loads of fun together! (:

another side of glam me. ;)

whoops she's falling! but she didn't. -.-

Audrey has failed terribly. 

After ice-skating for 2 hours, time to get ourselves hot chocolate! Nahh just joking, I had donuts. (: It was only 2 so I suggested to watch Hotel Transylvania later on! It wasn't the best cartoon movie I've watched, but definitely something you must watch! I went high in the theater whenever the dracula says something stupid. hahaha.
To make time pass faster, we decided to play with split cam and morphed our faces together. IT WAS A TOTAL JOKE HAHAHA! I can't stop laughing, looking at how ridiculous we are.

half Rachel half Audrey

Audrey's small eyes and my mouth. She was smiling at first but I changed it to a sad face. :D

My pretty bangs and eyes and Audrey's thick lips! Can you imagine if someone actually looks like that HAHAHA THAT WOULD BE EPIC. 

Toodles guys, 

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